Monday, April 14, 2008

i wanna be sedated....

the past couple of weeks have felt like a blur. since the last post i've "grown fond" of cigarettes, barely pushed one meal a day, slept primarily between the hours of 5 and 9 am, sometimes 11 am, and written 4 songs, all of which have occured unintentionally. in fact, i feel like i haven't had control over anything thats happened, especially this past week and this weekend...but i definitely take responsibility for it all. truth is though, i haven't had an appetite this entire time, so i never THINK to eat, and i feel like i have to always be doing something, so i can't sleep, but all the same, it's burning me out, and i know it's my own damn fault. right now i'm somewhere between "pulling into nazereth feeling half past dead" and "ty, you are a f**king retard." and it doesnt help that i cant say no to the majority of what my friends ask of me, and im actually about to leave here in a minute to hear out a friend in distress, because she just called me as i was typing this...yes, at freaking 3 am, and no, it can't wait til tomorrow morning, because her flight leaves at 7 am, and she says she's about to breakdown. the reason she's breaking down isn't something i can freely discuss, but it's genuine, and it's something i've personally gone through, so she's calling me, balling her eyes out. so obviously, i HAVE to go. and i do honestly WANT to go. because quite frankly, i think sedation is the only way i could pass out right now anyway.

so, off i go. hopefully i can catch a nap in between classes tomorrow, otherwise i'll have to wait after 4 when i get out. good golly miss molly, this is getting old.

anyway, i'll try and make another entry i've had a lot on my mind and need to vent. until then, take it easy.

later days


Rae said...

I will be praying for you!

That Janie Girl said...

Dude. I didn't even know you left the house.

Be careful.

I love you. I'll be back Wednesday night.

scotte said...

grow unfond of those cigarettes. It will control you, you will excuse yourself from an interaction with another being to go smoke. I know-ask your cousins.
Put them down now before its too late. It is a plot by BIG tobacco.